Christian Seasons Calendar

Daily Reflection

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

“Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?”
Acts 10:47

This week’s reading from Acts can be read as the Epilogue to last week’s reading in which Philip baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch. In many ways, however, it’s more appropriate to regard last week’s reading as a Prelude to Acts 10, which encapsulates the New Testament’s defining breakthrough: the welcoming of all nations into full membership in the People of God. In short, as this dramatic chapter draws to a close, the corporate Church—headed by Simon Peter but led and sanctified by none other than God’s Spirit—ratifies that which Philip undertook with delicious spontaneity on the road to Gaza. And, even now, the Gospel continues its luminous cosmic journey: bringing light, life, and love wherever its restless presence is made manifest!

May we, dear God, be worthy messengers of the sacred Message with which we’ve been entrusted as Your people, as Your Church! Through Christ...and in the power of the Holy Spirit! Amen

Foster Freed


The daily reflection is from The Christian Seasons Calendar created by University Hill Congregation.