Christian Seasons Calendar

Daily Reflection

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Doug Goodwin photo

Rev. Doug Goodwin is writing our reflections for the season of Epiphany. Doug became a member of University Hill Congregation in 2003, serving for a time as an elder and Clerk of Session, and for a few months as part-time, temporary minister when the regular minister was on sick leave.

Raised and ordained as a Presbyterian, Doug joined The United Church of Canada when called in 1983 to a pastoral charge in and around Vanderhoof, BC, where he served for fifteen years. He then worked out of Vanderhoof for BC Conference for five years before being asked in 2003 to head to Vancouver to be Executive Secretary of the conference (later to become the Pacific Mountain Regional Council), where he remained until retirement in June, 2019. Doug and his wife, Theresa (and lately their puppy, Abby), now live in Mill Bay BC, where Doug continues to do some part-time work for the Region and, more recently, serves on the board of Vancouver School of Theology.

Doug can be reached by email here.



The daily reflection is from The Christian Seasons Calendar created by University Hill Congregation.