Christian Seasons Calendar

Daily Reflection

Friday, December 20, 2024

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” 
Luke 1:41-42

The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth is amazing, particularly because of the revelatory mystery of the Holy Spirit—Elizabeth is suddenly enlightened to the fact of God in her company. But also, this moment is amazing because of Elizabeth’s attunement to and openness for the presence of God. Imagine that Elizabeth—pregnant in her old age, her husband suddenly and still muted during his priestly service—somehow knows that what is happening is God’s will. Imagine that Elizabeth somehow knows the prophetic authority already at work in the yet-to-be born John the Baptizer, cartwheeling in her body. This moment is also the realization of a long faithfulness between God and Elizabeth.

Spirit of God, descend on us this day and open our mouths in praise. Stir in us a faith that recognizes Your blessing when we hear it. Inspire us to expect Jesus as he comes to us in unexpected ways. Amen

Kate Miller

Kate Miller will write the daily reflections for Advent and Christmas. You can learn more about Kate here.

Our recent reflections have been offered by Janice Love. Many thanks for her caring and insightful thoughts. Here is more information about Janice.


The daily reflection is from The Christian Seasons Calendar created by University Hill Congregation.